Localization of films
Discover our film localization services in more than 25 languages.
What is the localization of films?
The localization of films is a set of methods and strategies to position your films on a local level, thereby attracting more audiences and increasing the sales of your films.
Film localization can be considered to be one of the most important optimisation systems for reaching the widest possible audience.
Film localization services
At Orion Translations we localize films. We always deliver on time and offer a personalised customer service.
We rely on the most experienced experts in the field of film localization, with many years of experience in localization, to help drive you forward locally.
Our film localization services
Looking for a film localisation service to help boost your business?
Orion Translations offers top-notch film localisation services. Our team of professionals will localise all types of films to drive your business, increase customer interest and boost sales.
Our team of professionals will improve the local positioning of your brand, business, company or product through film localisation.
Contact us today to contract our services and start improving your local positioning.
Film localisation services for companies
You may need a film localisation service if your company or industry is on the following list:
- Film sector
- Leisure services
- Small business
- Publishers
- Distribution companies
- Audiovisual production companies
Related localization services
Apart from other services, Orion Translations specializes in providing localization services in the following areas in more than 25 languages.
Ask about our corporate film localisation rates and other professional translation services.
Looking for a film localisation service for your company? Ask us for a quote.